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Welcome Parents and Students!
Welcome Parents and Students!

I am very happy to have all of you in class this year.  I look forward to all of us learning and growing from one another throughout the year.  This year, I will be teaching two 6th grade science and four 8th grade science.


To get specific information about your class, click on your grade level.  On there you can find important documents, class assignments, upcoming events specific to your class, and textbook.


I hope you find my website to be helpful and informative.  If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.



Mrs. Chamberlain

Documents and Links

Upcoming Events

  • 2/9/18: Midterm reports

  • 2/14/18: Early release

  • 2/19/18: No School

  • 3/15/18: End of 3rd quarter

***Homework help is available every day in room 306 from 8:50 to 9:20.  


***Tutoring will be available every Thursday in my room (320) from 8:50 to 9:20


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